Understanding Temptation
Scriptural Reference: James 1:12-15
"12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. 13 And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. 14 Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 15 These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death." James 1:12-15 NLT
A Brief Overview of the subject: Purpose
God tests us to bring out the best in us while Satan tempts us to bring out the worst in us. Being tested or tempted is not sin - it depends upon what we do with the temptation.
Let me give you a real life example that happened several years ago. A buddy of mine who had just been released from prison after 25 years was in a So. CA. Social Security office getting his benefits set up. The man standing next to him finished his business and left.
Some fifteen minutes later, when Brian was ready to leave, he noticed on a lower counter that the man who had been next to him had left his wallet. Brian grabbed it and quickly ran out in the parking lot to see if he could find him, to no avail. He opened his wallet to see if there was some ID, and discovered 12 one hundred dollar bills.
Brian came back into the office and asked the teller who waited on him if she had his phone number and she did not. Bottom line, what Brian did was to give the teller his number and if the guy came back in, to ask him to give him a call.
Amazingly so, later that night the owner of the wallet called Brian and the two were able to meet up so it could be returned. He was blown away that anyone would do such a kind thing, especially with so much money that could have easily been stolen.
Brian was faced with great temptation, yet when he called to tell me about it, he said that he had no thought whatsoever of stealing the money, but only wanted to find the owner and return the wallet and money. He resisted any thought of becoming a thief and actively thought to do the right and honorable thing.
Expect To Experience Testing
Temptation, or testing is something that the believer should expect to experience.
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (John 16:33)
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you '(John 15:19-20).
Trusting Christ as Savior does not relieve the believer from temptation. On the contrary there will usually be more things thrown in the Christian's path by the forces of Satan in order to make him fall. We should not think it strange when these trials cross our path. The Apostle Peter wrote:
“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you” (1 Peter 4:12).
We are going to focus on James 1:12-15 where God’s Word helps us to understand what temptation is and how it operates. In this devotional we are going to try to answer questions like: Why are we tempted? Where does sin come from? How does temptation work?
How to resist temptation? What do we do after we have given into temptation? Why are you tempted by one thing and not another? Why is it important that we understand what God teaches us about our temptation? In this series we are going to try to answer those questions and more.
Six times in four verses we see the words “temptation”,“tempted,” “tempting,” and “tempts.” God is serious about helping you understand what temptation is and is not. One of the reasons we struggle with temptation so much is because we don’t understand it. So, let’s try to understand it and let’s get a Biblical perspective on it. Here are some basic things that God wants you to know about temptation.
Temptations are Invitations
First, temptations are invitations. Look closely at verse 12, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation” (NLT). A “testing” and “temptation” can occur regarding the same thing. The same Greek word (peirasmos) is translated as “temptation” and “testing.” It’s like this, your coach tells you that it’s time to do ten 100 yard sprints.
The purpose of this is to test you physically and to train you and build endurance for what is ahead. During one of these sprints you start thinking about quitting. This testing has now become a temptation to quit. The temptation is an invitation to abandon the coach’s plan of preparing you for what lies ahead.
One of the tests we've all faced is remaining sexually pure until marriage. Another test for those of us who are married is to remain faithful to our spouse all of our life. That’s the 100 yard sprints. But someone comes along and you have an opportunity to quit God’s plan; now it’s a temptation. Temptations are an invitation to abandon God’s will.
Our faithfulness and commitment to God (our coach) is tested every day, but it may deal with greed, envy, anger, pride, lust or whether to trust God, be kind, be forgiving, or be gentle. Every time you feel the pressure of a test in life, you will be tempted to abandon God’s plan during that test.. and there’s the temptation. Temptations are invitations to abandon God’s will, plan, and what's best for your life.
Temptations are Relentless
Number two, temptations are relentless. Verse 12 says, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation” (NLT). To “patiently endure” something is to persevere. The reason you have to patiently endure and persevere with temptations is because they are relentless, persistent, and obstinate.
The idea of “patiently enduring” something as a believer refers to you not relinquishing your confidence and trust in God through the temptation or the test. There are some trials in life that you will simply need to tough it out through endurance and contentment in every circumstance that comes into your life.
Most of the trials you will encounter in life are not sprints, but marathons. This has certainly proven true in my life. The idea of patiently enduring trials is similar to what Paul said in 1 Timothy 6:12 when he told Timothy to “fight the good fight.”
Or when Paul said, “I have finished the race,” referring to his life nearing the end but he has remained faithful and committed to Christ (2 Tim. 4:7).
To “fight the good fight” does not mean you never got hit; it does not mean you never were knocked down or ever had the wind knocked out of you. To “fight the good fight” means you got knocked down, but you got back up. You may have become tired, but you did not quit.
Proverbs 24:16 says, “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up” (CSB). Temptations may trip you up and you may fall, but because you are a child of God and you have the Holy Spirit living in you, you will get back up and re-determine yourself to keep on fighting, to keep on running, and to keep living the life that God has called you to live.
But this will take patient endurance because trials are relentless. Temptations are relentless, but so are you.
Temptations are an opportunity
Number three, temptations are an opportunity. Verse 12 begins with a word of encouragement and promise when it says, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation” (NLT). The word “blesses” (makarios) means much more than the mere happiness of a carefree life that has little conflict or trouble.
It rather carries the idea of profound inner joy and satisfaction, a joy that only the Lord Himself is able to give to those who, for His sake and in His power, faithfully and patiently endure and conquer trials.
Peter put it this way when he said, “There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold – though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world” (1 Peter 1:6-7, NLT). Joy! Blessed! God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation.
You have an opportunity to be blessed. There are some blessings that can only come from going through the battle, enduring the storm, and walking through the valley. God has prepared some blessings that are on the other side of your trial.
You may not understand why you are having to endure this trial. Nine years ago, when the greatest trial of my life started, I certainly had many questions. I cried out to God for many months before my diagnosis, trying to understand what was happening to me.
After nine years of nothing but silence from God, I realized several things. Number one, it was not part of God’s plan to heal me, and number two, the Lord has called me to endure faithfully every day, and remain content, no matter the severity of my trial..
In your trial you may have wished that things had turned out different or wished that you would have made a different decision and this trial you are in is wearing you out, it's draining you, and it is difficult. You are wanting to do what’s right, you are wanting to honor God, and honor others. That motivation from the Holy Spirit is inside of you.
Even when you fall, you are learning to fall forward. You get back up and keep walking and enduring, but you fall again… but you fall forward. Before long you may have fallen several times, but you fell toward God.
Before long you find yourself on the other side of the valley, the other side of your trail, and you have flipped that page of your life and find yourself in a new chapter with a new beginning.
Throughout your trials you will be tempted to abandon God’s plan, God’s will, and God’s way but if you remain faithful and keep getting back up and moving forward you will encounter God’s blessings that can only come on the other side of your testing and temptations. Temptations are an opportunity to encounter God’s blessings.
Temptations are unavoidable
Number four, temptations are unavoidable. Verse 13 says, “When you are being tempted…” (NLT). James does not say, “IF you are being tempted,” but “WHEN you are being tempted.” It is going to happen. It is happening. There is no escape from being tempted.
It’s unavoidable. It’s going to happen. No matter where you are you are, you going to face the temptation to be greedy, unkind, impatient, rude, unloving, selfish, judgemental, lustful, jealous, envious, or vengeful.
You can be sure that Satan’s timesheet will find him working seven days a week, putting in overtime hours to keep you in a state of discouragement. He will try and tempt you at home, at work, at church, with others, alone, in a crowded room or in a monastery up in the mountains. Temptations are unavoidable.
God’s Word tells us in Genesis 4:7, “Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” The only way that is going to happen is through the power of Jesus. He is the only one who was the master over sin and now that Jesus' power is inside you.
Sin is unavoidable. Sin is crouching at the door. It’s waiting for you. Sin is like the thief who hides in the dark behind the door and when you walk into that room he jumps you to control you.
Temptation is going to find you, you are going to encounter it so you must prepare your heart and mind for this warfare. . He wants you to experience victory over temptation and no condemnation when you give into it. But you need to know that it's unavoidable, so you must prepare yourself for it.
Satan: The Master Fisherman –
He Shows You The Bait, But Hides the Hook
When I say temptation is unavoidable, I also mean the lure of it is everywhere. Temptation is like fishing. The devil, he will place before you something that is alluring to you.
It may be money or a person or a feeling or object, but he will place it in front of you, but if you give into the temptation associated with it you will find there is a hook in the middle of it. When you bite, Satan is able to pull you out of God’s will and plan for that area of your life.
How to Avoid Satan’s Hook of Hopelessness
The devil wants to bait each of us into hopelessness. So we need to be aware of his tactics in order to not swallow his never ending list of lies.
When fishing, it’s useless to throw out a line with nothing on it. Everyone knows that in order to hook a fish, you need to have some bait! But not just any bait. Before you go fishing, you should know the type of fish you’d like to get, and select your bait accordingly.
For instance, if you hope to hook something in salt water, you need some bait fish like eels, sardines or shrimp. But in freshwater, worms, crickets or grasshoppers are some of what works to trick your prey into swallowing your line.
The Bait of Satan
Nearly 370 years ago, Thomas Brooks penned “‘Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices; what I believe to be one of the best books on spiritual warfare ever written. He outlined 11 remedies to deal with the fiery darts of Satan. The first was the most powerful.
He said, “Satan shows you the bait, but hides the hook.” I Have never forgotten that amazing nugget of truth for more than 50 years since I first read his book. I hope you will give it due consideration.
Do you realize the devil uses these same tactics to get us to swallow his lines of lies? It’s true! Because he knows some facts about our histories, he’s able to concoct a bait to uniquely get our attention. Like the bait to catch a fish, Satan’s bait often appears real and hides the hook. But unlike a fisherman’s bait, the devil doesn’t use food, he uses bits of truth.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “Wait! Time out! The devil is a liar! He cannot tell the truth.” And that’s fair enough; Jesus affirmed that Satan is the father of lies (Jn. 8:44). But in creating a lie, the devil uses what I call truth with a twist, which is what makes it especially deceptive in getting us to swallow it. Let me explain.
Avoiding Satan’s Hook
Thankfully, just because Satan presents his bait, it doesn’t mean you have to swallow it. As Paul wrote, the answer to avoiding the enemy’s hook is to respond with the truth of Christ (see 2 Cor. 10:5).
Remember, the truth of Christ assures that “everything old has passed away; everything is made new” (2 Cor. 5:17). So while the devil can present all the evidence he wants, it will never change the facts about what God declares about you.
Temptations are universal
Number five, temptations are universal. Again, look closely at verse 13 which says, “When you are being tempted….” That “you” is plural. That means you, me, and every other believer on the planet faces temptations of some kind. It does not matter how holy, righteous, pure, and clean you are.
It doesn’t matter how much you pray or how much you memorize scripture. It doesn’t matter if you are a new believer or a mature believer. It doesn’t matter if you are Billy Graham or Billy the Kid; everyone is tempted.
Paul put it this way, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience” (1 Cor. 10:13, NLT). You are not alone in your temptations. You struggle with lust, so do a bunch of other believers.
You struggle with greed, so do others. You wrestle with jealousy, so do others. Temptations are universal. This is why you find the same kind of sins around the world and throughout time.
Your struggle with sin may feel new or unique to you, but it is not new nor unique to God. He has seen His people struggle with sin throughout the generations and that is why He sent Jesus to die on a cross so that ultimately we would end up in a place where there is no sin, no temptation. Whatever temptation or sin you struggle with, you are not the only one who struggles with it.
This is why we need each other. This is why you need to be a part of a group of believers that you can pray with, talk to, and open up with. There is encouragement and hope and strength and love when believers learn to pick each other up and heal the wounds caused by our own sins.
Temptations are amoral
Number six, temptations are amoral. Amoral means neither moral nor immoral. It’s neither right or wrong, good or bad. Just because the chocolate cake is on the table and you are thinking about eating the whole thing is only a temptation, not a sin.
When you see some money sitting on a table and you know its not yours, but you are debating whether or not to steal it is not a sin, it’s a temptation. It’s neither good nor bad. When temptation is occurring you are not sinning, but you are thinking about whether to sin or not. It’s amoral.
Temptations are personal
Number seven, temptations are personal. You will be tempted by one thing, while your friend is tempted by something else. It will be unique to you. It will be personal. We are told in verse 14, “Temptation comes from our own desires.”
This is why you are tempted by one thing and your spouse is tempted by something else. It doesn’t mean you are worse than them or better than them. Your desire and their desire is different. When you take desires and mix it with the sinful nature, you end up with problems.
I want to take a deeper look at this in another devotional, but there is a reason why you struggle with one temptation and not another. Temptations are very personal.
Temptations are defeatable
Number eight, temptations are defeatable. God knows you are not perfect, but He wants to put you into a position to win over temptation. Satan wants you to be confused and misled about temptation. This is why James says in verse 16, “So don’t be mislead…” (NLT).
Don’t be misinformed, don’t be deceived, and don’t let your mind become deluded when it comes to temptation and your victory over it.
God has said very clearly in 1 Corinthians 10:13, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you A WAY OUT so that you can endure” (NLT).
God’s Word mentions several things that God uses to create “a way out” when you are being tempted. Today, I am going to give these to you and in a later lesson we will look at each on in detail. Here they are...
Your conscience: God uses your conscience to tell you that is wrong and you need to walk away.
Scripture: God uses His truth to guide your daily life and choices. It becomes a light to your path and keeps you from going where you shouldn’t be going and doing what you shouldn’t be doing.
Prayer: God uses prayer to strengthen you, provide answers, insights, and strength to fight temptation.
Flight: Sometimes God wants you to run away, get out of the house, leave the relationship, or to physically get away from whatever is tempting you.
Planning: God uses spiritual preparation to protect you from some temptations. You pre plan and prepare yourself to do certain things, to not do certain things, etc.
Others: God uses other believers in your life to help you navigate the many temptations you face through life. These believers provide wisdom, advice, counsel, correction, and encouragement.
The good news is that God sent His Son Jesus and we are told that “He will save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21, NLT).
It’s because of Jesus we can be forgiven for our sins and have our sins removed from us – that’s called sanctification.
It’s because of Jesus that we can stand before God as though we have never sinned – that’s called justification.
And some day we will be able to stand in the presence of Jesus without sin – that’s called glorification.
Final Thought
It may feel like sin is winning in your life, but I’m here to tell you that your sin has already been defeated and it’s just a matter of time before you experience that complete victory. Stay faithful. Trust in God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
When you fall, get back up determined to keep walking with God. Don’t give up. Be persistent.
“When we have hope, believing our reward to come will be worth it, we can endure whatever trials and tests come on this side of eternity.” Steadfastness requires that we give up the need for instant gratification and replace it with faithfulness and endurance as we live our Christian lives.
From: Fight the Good Fight of Faith & Life Journal: By Gregg Harris