(Lessons From The Church At Pergamum)
Scripture Reference: Revelation 2:12-17
“To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. 13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives. 14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. 15 Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. 17 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” (Revelation 2:12-17)
Spiritually distracted or compromised? Faith and repentance are essential when facing ungodly influence. Is there anything in your life hindering your witness? Live as an overcomer, a light on a hill that shines bright in the spiritual darkness: repent, live a life of faith, and avoid a compromised lifestyle.
It’s Saturday, May 27, a couple of days before Memorial Day. I had a smile on my face all the way home from Mule Creek State Prison. You would too if you had the opportunity of spending several hours with my friend David, one of the true champions of the faith at Mule Creek.
Week after week, I’m blessed with several prison visits to a handful of Northern CA facilities. Having said that, it’s not every week that I encounter someone like David. Joy fills my soul knowing that there are men in our prisons enduring the rigors of long term incarceration whose sole purpose in life is to bring all praise, honor and glory to the name of God.
David is a Seminary graduate, and on any given day can be found offering counsel, or teaching a whole host of classes including Fundamentals of the faith, Systematic Theology, Apologetics, Greek, Hermeneutics and Christian Counseling, just to mention a few.
Most inspiring about David is his amazing contentment in Christ despite his circumstances, and his ability to wait patiently on the Lord. He has been incarcerated for the past 18 years, and Lord willing will be home in the near future. Almost forgot, he’s also a concert violinist.
I look forward to fellowship beyond prison walls. I know he will do well when he goes home and will most definitely make a fine addition to any of our churches. For all my prayer warriors out there, perhaps you can lift up David in your prayers, asking for the Lord’s protection and that he will continue to guide, guard and keep him each and every day.
As visiting was about to shut down, I asked David what the rest of his day looked like. He told me he was putting the finishing touches on his sermon tomorrow on the church at Pergamum.
I would love to hear his message as there is so much to say; so many lessons to learn from this church that was in some serious dodo. This was an opportunity for me to look at some of my previous notes about this church that John wrote to, and to revisit some of the lessons that God is teaching us today.
Much like Pergamum, evil in society is all around us and attempting to infiltrate the church and our very souls. May we always allow the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and let us repent and turn from sin, not allowing sin or spiritual compromise to gain a foothold within our hearts.
Jesus knows the intense pressure you’re facing, the trials, suffering, and afflictions. He also knows your faithfulness. Sometimes fighting the spiritual battle before us can become so consuming that we take our spiritual eyes off God. Let us not be fooled or seduced into thinking spiritual compromise or watered-down values are OK or acceptable to God.
Listen to the Spirit of God, be spiritually “on guard,” and press in: Just like my buddy David at Mule Creek, - choose today to be an overcomer, practice spiritual discipline and be guided by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
Passionately seek the love of God and share it with those around you. Never forget, this is the mandate that our Savior left us with just before His ascension. It wasn’t the great suggestion, but the great commission.
Pray, trust the Lord, and walk in faith. Always remember God is in control no matter how things may appear. People will take notice and listen when they witness your faith. In prison, we always talk about how inmates size up others right away. It doesn’t take long to determine who that new guy on the yard is.
Listen to his speech, watch who he hangs out with, and pay attention to his actions. True men of God also quickly develop a reputation. It doesn’t take long to witness someone who exudes great character and integrity.
My great hero of the faith Charles Spurgeon said, “God is more concerned about your character than he is your comfort, He is more concerned about your holiness than he is your happiness.”
As you walk the walk of faith everyday, people take notice.
Unlike many of those in the church of Pergamum, strive to become an overcomer in your faith, forgetting all those things in the past, and pushing on toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
PERGAMUM: a church surrounded by evil influence.
Here is a call not to compromise. Faith is essential when facing ungodly influence.
In the book Revelation John addresses seven churches. In recent devotionals, I’ve examined the church in Ephesus, and looked at those who had forsaken their first love, along with the church at Smyrna which experienced persecution and was encouraged not to fear.
In our devotional today, I hope we can learn some life lessons as we look at the church at Pergamum. At the time, Pergamum was a center of Roman emperor worship, and those in power demanded allegiance to worshiping a god-like emperor.
There was a large throne-like altar built on a cliff that overlooked the city. It was for the Greek god Zeus. It may be one reason John refers to the area as Satan’s throne.
A second reason may be because Pergamum worshiped Roman emperors, who wielded great power at that time in history. No matter the reason, everyone knew the city of Pergamum John referenced. Here’s what he declared.
“To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. 13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives. 14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. 15 Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. 17 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” (Revelation 2:12-17)
Located about 50 miles north of Smyrna, Pergamum was a leading religious center of Asia Minor. It was a home of pagan worship and cults including Zeus, Athena and many other false gods. It is thought that Pergamum became a Roman province around 130 BC and, like Smyrna, the people participated in, and encouraged the worship of, the Roman emperor.
Pergamum was also known for its civilization and learning. It was noted for its pottery, tapestries and parchments. The city had a library with some 200,000 volumes and was second only to that of Alexandria.
Like Smyrna, the believers experienced persecution for their faith in Christ and, as John notes, the believers remained true to their faith and the name of Christ.
The Word Of God Is Powerful
The double-edged sword that John refers to in verse 12 is a picture of a weapon that was used in battle, having two sharp cutting edges. No matter how it was wielded it would cut true and deep. In verse 12, John references Jesus as one who has the double-edged sword. Friends, the word of God will cut true and deep to divide truth from error.
John also references a double-edged sword as the word of God being spoken by the one who holds the seven stars in his hands and who walks among the lampstands (Revelation 1:12, 16); again referring to Jesus.
The word of God will cut through all the spiritually false teaching and worldly lies.
The word of God will separate and clearly reveal the truth from error. The word of God cuts deep, much like a double-edged sword used properly on a battlefield, to reveal sin and bring spiritual healing and life to those who believe.
The word of God will accomplish all that it is designed and intends to accomplish when used correctly.
The word of God is all powerful and it can cut through a spiritual heart of stone.
However, if the word of God is ignored, muzzled or imprisoned, not listened or adhered to, – not shared,it will do nothing for the person who is living in rebellion to the things of God.
But remember, the word of God is powerful; God spoke the worlds into existence.
The word of God will break free.
The word of God is living and active.
The word of God will never be totally extinguished.
The word of God will accomplish all it is meant to accomplish, and all the promises of God in scripture, and all that have been spoken, have been and still are being fulfilled.
The power of God’s word will break every chain, faith in Jesus will arise, lives will be changed and no power on earth or even the gates of hell will ever prevail.
God Knows & Sees All, Including your circumstances
Roman rule was the ruling power at the time and the emperor’s word was powerful. Roman governors were placed over areas and they were divided into two classes:
Those who had the power of life and death were thought to wield the sword.
Those who did not have the right to have someone put to death could not wield the sword.
The fact that Jesus has a double-edged sword, I believe, speaks to the idea that His authority was higher than either type of Roman governor. The power of Rome was limited; however, Jesus’ power is that of the risen Lord. The risen savior. The power of Satan is also limited.
John, in relating his vision in Revelation and the message that he brings to the churches in the beginning of this letter, is reassuring to the believers that God knows and sees everything, and that He is concerned about and loves them.
We know that Jesus knew every person’s name, and here we find that Jesus even knew where each of them lived. Jesus knew exactly where the believers were and what they were experiencing. Jesus knew all about the persecution that each person was facing.
I want you to know that, without a doubt, Jesus knows the depth of whatever your trial may be, and no matter how hot the furnace is, He will come alongside you, helping you to look to Him, the author and finisher of your faith.
It wasn’t easy being a Christian in Pergamum with all the idolatry and worship of false gods along with all the false teaching and the threats of persecution and death.
We are called to remain faithful, regardless of our circumstances.
No doubt it wasn’t easy to remain faithful in the face of all the immorality and false beliefs, like those promoted throughout the city. And yet the believers stood firm in faith. They remained true to the name. The believers as we see were commended for refusing to recant their faith.
The persecution that the Christians were living under did not lessen their faith or courage to stand for Christ. On the contrary, they may have become even more courageous in faith, and remained a faithful witness to their faith in Jesus.
John affirms that the Christians in Pergamum were living in a city where Satan lives. A place known as Satan’s throne. A place that fully embraced and centered around the worship of idols.
Yet the Christians in Pergamum were not packing up and leaving the city. They remained in Pergamum and were strong witnesses to the truth of the Gospel. They were truly a light on a hill that would shine bright in the spiritual darkness of Pergamum.
The Christians that John was addressing were people who were permanent residents of the city. Jesus was not inferring that the believers should leave and move to a safer city. They were not moving away to a city without any persecution, or without the presence of false gods.
By saying the believers lived where Satan’s throne was, – was a reference to all the evil activity that was so openly embraced and participated in by people in the city. It was a way of saying the city was a center of evil.
Tradition has it that Antipas, a disciple of John, was martyred around 92 AD. Antipas was a bishop of the Pergamum church and he is believed to have been roasted alive inside a bronze, bull-like altar at the temple of Diana.
The believers in Pergamum would certainly have known and/or witnessed the evilness of his death, but that event did not cause them to recant or turn from their faith. Instead the Christians of Pergamum were commended for remaining faithful even in the face of such evilness.
Beware Of Compromise
While there were faithful Christians, some within the church were beginning to be influenced by false teaching. Some Christians were slowly starting to embrace a compromised lifestyle that soon found idolatry and immorality acceptable. Some began to welcome sexual immorality into the church that was once so egregious to the believers.
The spiritual seduction that was seeping into the church was very subtle and, over time, would spiritually infect the entire church body if not confronted.
John addresses two areas that Jesus had against the church in Pergamum:
Some people were following the teaching of Balaam. Others were following the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
It appears the church, and church leaders, were unaware of the spiritual compromise that was happening among the church body.
1. A Slow and Quiet Compromise: Following the Teaching of Balaam
This happened because Balaam came up with a scheme to use Moabite women to slowly and quietly seduce the people to sin, turning them to idolatry, sexual temptation, idol worship, and committing indecent acts of immorality.
The Israelites knew the practice of idolatry was forbidden and would have rejected it if openly presented with it; but they willingly accepted the idea when they were seduced to sin and followed the evil and selfish desires of their hearts.
It appears that some of the believers were being led astray and embracing this ungodly idolatry as a way of life. It may be that many in the church were unaware of the false teaching that was beginning to gain a foothold in the hearts of some believers.
These circumstances remind me of Demas who shipwrecked from the faith. He went back to Thessalonica, a city at that time that was known for its worldly wickedness, one that sadly sucked Demas in.
A lifestyle or teaching may seem OK because a strong Christian is doing it, but that doesn’t make it OK in God’s eyes. It would be like living next door to Christians who are doing something that is sinful, and then thinking it’s OK for you to do because these other Christians are doing it.
In Pergamum, the ungodly and powerful authorities of the day promoted the worship of idols and false teachings. They encouraged the participation of spiritually wrong acts that were sinful in God’s eyes.
Just because a powerful government makes a law that says something is legal, it doesn’t make it spiritually OK when the word of God clearly says it’s wrong.
Explicit language and the use of God’s name in vain are wrong, but because a Christian friend you might know, or look up to, uses such language doesn’t change the fact that it’s any less sinful or egregious to God.
Let us not be fooled or seduced into thinking spiritual compromise or watered-down spiritual values are OK or acceptable to God Almighty. We must always keep away from evil and remain faithful to the name and Word of God.
2 . Compromise From False Teaching: Following the Teaching of the Nicolaitans
The Nicolaitans taught that Christians had the liberty to participate in pagan orgies. By participating in such acts, Christians began to accept the culture of idolatry rather than being the witness of God before an ungodly society.
Both the teachings of Balaam and that of the Nicolaitans were wrong and, if not addressed, could easily overtake the church. The Israelite people fell into idolatry even though they were warned. The Israelites, over time, embraced the worship of false gods; but when the people cried out to God, and God delivered them from their bondage to other nations, they would again turn away from worshiping the Lord. The people never fully turned away and slowly fell back into idolatry time and again.
John tells the Christians of Pergamum to repent. Repent, meaning: to turn away, to make an about face and head in a new and godly direction. Don’t follow false and ungodly teachings.
As Christians, we must be aware that the enemy of our souls wants to entice us to run after sin and embrace the worship of other gods as long as it’s not Jesus. The enemy of your soul knows: if he can get you to consider and believe false teaching, that teaching will take root and grow, and overtake your spiritual heart. Remember a little leaven will affect the entire batch. A little sin is just as bad as a “big” sin in God’s eyes. Sin is sin.
Some ideas may sound politically or socially good. Some beliefs or acts may have an appearance of being innocent and yet be spiritually deadly. Every Christian needs to be spiritually on guard.
How Do We Stay Guarded?
As Christians we need to practice spiritual discipline and study the Word of God.
We need to have a sense of spiritual right and wrong and be guided by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
We should also pray and ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and then repent of any such false teaching that may have crept into our hearts.
Most Christians have a spiritual sense of right and wrong. The enemy of your soul knows your weaknesses. He knows that he will not successfully get you to turn away from Jesus unless he uses the same tactics that he inspired Balaam and the Nicolaitans to use: seduction, trickery, and half-truths.
You can be seduced into thinking that you are OK when, in fact, you are slowly drifting away spiritually.
Final Thought
The call to repent was before the church and every believer in Pergamum. Sin or false teaching will never be suppressed or eradicated through compromise. False teaching will not go away or stop if ignored; it will only grow and affect more people.
We are to repent, live a life of faith, and avoid a compromised lifestyle.
Notice that the believers in Pergamum were not encouraged to leave the city. Instead they are told to repent and to be victorious; to be overcomers. They were told to have ears to hear and listen to what the Spirit says.
God grant that we would strive to guard our hearts and minds everyday, putting on the armor of God with each new day so that we may be prepared for the assault of the evil one.
From: Fight the good fight of faith & life journal: by Gregg Harris