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OUR Adventuresome Journey in Creating the IPPM logo – a Team Effort!


"I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give counsel." Psalm 32:8 CSB

The hunt for a logo can get challenging – and adventuresome! Our service organization, In Perfect Peace Ministries (IPPM) needed a LOGO. We were needing to increase our “visibility” as we sought to increase our “workforce” of courageous volunteers mentoring prisoners in Jesus’ name. In the business world, this process of establishing your identity (leaving your mark in the minds of your target audience) is called “branding”...


Branding is the process of creating a distinct identity for a business in the mind of your target audience and consumers. At the most basic level, branding is made up of a company's LOGO, visual design, mission, and tone of voice.”

> IPPM Mission: “Christian Pen Pals Mentoring Prisoners ONE ON ONE.” <

Organizations are “recognized” by their logos. IPPM needed an eye-catching, unique, easily recognized, easily remembered, mission-aligned logo. Finding and creating such a logo was a daunting task. And yes, an adventure - a journey!

Here was OUR team's journey in creating our IPPM logo...

This first idea, Tracey Anderson’s concept "sketch", is a monogram logo of our ministry initials - IPP - "In Perfect Peace." Notice that the two capital P letters are overlaid (one is in the background.) And do you see the cross at the intersection of the capital letters I and P? And our namesake verse, Isaiah 26:3, appears in the surrounding text. Clever, Tracey!

Gregg Harris, our Founder/Director, was preferring a graphic logo over a monogram. He suggested we use a DOVE, representing God’s Holy Spirit. Considering this, I expressed that a DOVE graphic is overused in Christian ministry, to the point of cliché. Using a DOVE, our logo would not stand out – it would not distinguish us in the minds of our target audience. So, the DOVE motif was abandoned.

Later, Gregg proposed the beautiful image below. It’s impressive - but graphically complex! It lacks the simplicity that a good logo requires. Consider the Nike and McDonald’s logos, how their single-graphic logos are effective due to their simplicity. Here, the cupped hands, the cross, the background sun, the clouds – that’s four graphical motifs! The human mind can only really remember ONE. And this image relies heavily on shading which is tough to reproduce in all scenarios. Imagine downscaling this to be used as an icon!

A ”Stellar” Idea ! (Or should I say "Solar"?)

So then, what to do? (Isn’t it exciting that God promises us His guidance? “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8 “My sheep hear My Voice” John 10:27) So, as I was pondering and praying, He gave me an idea. Almost as if a whisper, this thought popped up in my head… a SUN”! (Where’d THAT come from? I know. Smile. James 1:17 John 16:13)

I remembered how exciting it is that JESUS is described as The SUN in Scripture! In two places, at the tail end of the Old Testament, and the very end of the New Testament – JESUS is described as the rising “SUN of Righteousness” and the “Bright Morning STAR”. Even this morning during my quiet time, God showed me a reference to Himself as being our SUN”! (Psalm 84:11) Pondering that, 3 more thrilling scriptures suddenly came to mind! Whoop! Here they are...

  • “But to you who fear My name The SUN of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings…” Malachi 4:2

  • “I, Jesus… AM... the Bright and Morning STAR.” Revelation 22:16

  • “For the Lord God is a SUN and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory” Psalm 84:11

  • Jesus spoke, “I AM The LIGHT of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” John 8:12

  • “He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the Sun…” Matthew 17:2

Think of it! The Sun warms and energizes the Earth – bringing LIFE! Getting personal, JESUS warms and energizes OUR lives! JESUS illuminates OUR lives - delivering US out of darkness, energizing US to walk in the LIGHT! Awesome Savior!

So, a SUN motif it is! I now had to sell the idea, so I drew up a concept sketch and included notes as to why this SUN graphic is the perfect image for the IPPM logo...

Buy-in! "Unleash the Secret Weapon!" :o)

Everyone liked the idea. At this point, my graphic artist daughter Tracey Anderson rolled up her sleeves and went to work with Adobe Illustrator. This gal has the creative “eye”, and what she produced is ASTOUNDING! She created four versions of this IPPM logo with white and black backgrounds, with and without the ministry text beneath. Here’s the black background version of the IPPM logo with text beneath...

Tracey’s design is GRIPPING! And that’s the whole idea of a logo – CAPTURE the eye, SEIZE the attention, and STICK in the memory. This logo has it ALL. Do you remember what I wrote earlier?

Organizations are “recognized” by their logos. IPPM needed an eye-catching, unique, easily recognized, easily remembered, mission-aligned logo.

Tracey delivered a “Grand Slam” performance! This vector graphic logo is STUNNING. And it can be resized large and small – and never look pixelated. Its simple design can fit into a tiny icon (no-text version). And perhaps someday we’ll see it on T-shirts, sweaters, a billboard, or even the hood of my car! Yeah, this logo is so gorgeous, busy people will STOP to look and ADMIRE. It has beauty, simplicity, and distinction. Definitely, this logo will help distinguish IPPM in the hearts and minds of our onlookers.

Mission Accomplished!

This logo represents IPPM’s mission ingeniously. Isaiah 26:3, our namesake verse, speaks of the perfect peace that results from fixating and trusting in the Lord. Our mission is to help folks living in tough prison settings to shift their gaze toward Jesus Christ, and to learn to trust in Him. Do you see the still waters in our logo? They represent peace. (Psalm 23:2) Do you see the rising sun? That’s our Lord Jesus Christ, the rising SUN of Righteous with healing in His wings! (Malachi 4:2) Jesus is our Source of light, warmth, energy, and life!


Well, that’s our logo design story. But I do have this afterthought to share. Was this article about branding, graphics, and logos? Or was it more about our faithful God’s guidance in our everyday matters? He's called Faithful and True for very good reason - He always keeps His Word. And we can rely on His promise: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” Ps 32:8

…Or was this article about “connectedness”? Isn’t it true that those who stay "connected", who “stick close” to their Lord find out that “fruit” just… “happens”? “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who ABIDES in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit." John 15:4-5

As ministry workers, we NEED Jesus’ guidance! We need our “ears open” so we can hear His voice and receive His specific guidance. This is HIS ministry - He speaks and gives His strong support. When He sees “heart”, He moves with “strong support.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

On this project, we worked as a team, and HE gave us the perfect logo! Thank You Jesus!

Awesome God! Hey, you believers out there - wouldn’t you agree, walking with God is ADVENTURE – and pure excitement? Just sayin’! I hope you enjoyed this read! …Jeff

Musings by Jeff Wheldon, In Perfect Peace Ministries, 12/3/2022



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