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God Alone Settles All Accounts

Scripture Reference: – Proverbs 20:22 – Romans 12:19

“Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.”

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord”

Taking revenge tends to create a vicious circle. Someone is wronged, so they retaliate. The victim of that vengeance sees it as unjust, so they take further revenge. The struggle to "settle the score" never settles anything.

A Quick Look At The Text

Solomon counsels his son not to seek revenge (Proverbs 24:29).  Rather, believers should rest assured that God will settle all accounts.  To “wait” for God’s intervention requires faithful patience.  This is not easy, but it’s critically important.  This advice agrees with Moses' teaching in Deuteronomy 32:35-36.  Moses delivered these words to Israel.

“Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall skip; for the day of their calamity is at  hand, and their doom comes swiftly”  For the Lord will vindicate His people and have compassion in His servants.”  Paul expresses the same sentiments in his writings (Romans 12:19).

When Jesus died on the cross, He did not  take vengeance on those who crucified Him.  Instead, He prayed, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).  Peter remembered that when Jesus was insulted during His pre-crucifixion trial, He did not lash out  in return, or offer threats when He was suffering (l Peter 2:23),

Instead, He continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly” (l Peter 2:23).  Jesus demonstrated the ideal to which we should all aspire (l Peter 2:21; 3:9).  There are practical reasons to avoid retribution, as well.  Taking revenge tends to create a vicious circle.  Someone is wronged, so they retaliate.  The victim of that vengeance sees it as unjust, so they take further revenge.  The struggle to settle the scorenever settles anything.  This escalation into a feud can last for years or even generations.  (Proverbs 17:13).

Is revenge sweet? Your spirit and the world say it is. But God says it is sin. Who will you believe? Solomon warned his son not to think about repaying evil to anyone. Rather than take things into your own hands toward your enemies, let the LORD take care of them.

When someone hurts you, the natural response is anger and thoughts of self-defense and revenge. You react immediately, instinctively, and violently. It is due to your depraved heart inherited from Adam. Paul described man’s natural instincts this way: “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another (Titus 3:3).

Men love to fight and war. Rather than overlook offenses, they want revenge quickly. Rather than forgive wrongs, they will hold a grudge forever. Paul described your warlike character very graphically, “The poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known” (Rom 3:14-17).

Revenge comes from pride: a humble man does not worry about repaying evil. Revenge is blinding. It can easily lead to horrible crimes, including murder. Solomon’s proverbs are about wisdom, and the blinding rage of revenge perverts your ability to perceive, understand, and judge correctly. It destroys wisdom. And it leads to sinful actions.   I have several friends on death row and a few more serving life without parole due to crimes that involved retaliation,

The situations at stake are personal offenses against you. Offenses against God are to be dealt with as the Bible directs. Rebellious children should be punished; sinning church members should be excluded; violent citizens should be dealt with swiftly.  Personal offenses are to be overlooked, and personal enemies are to be loved (Matt 5:38-48). This is the law of Jesus Christ, and it is the highest form of charity and wisdom in the world. Embrace it!

Rather than returning evil for evil, a noble and wise man will return good for evil, thus avoiding the blinding danger of grudges and revenge, calming his enemies with kindness and patience, and glorifying God in a difficult matter (Pr 25:21-22; Lev 19:18; Rom 12:17-21; I Thess 5:15; Heb 12:14; Jas 3:16-18; I Pet 3:8-11). Learn this wisdom today.

You should not think about revenge, not even in your heart, not even when evil befalls your enemies from other sources. God and Solomon condemned any joy when your enemy falls (Pr 24:17-18). Sinful thoughts against another are murder (Matt 5:21-22)!

Who are your enemies today? Are there any that you resent? Are you harboring a grudge or thoughts of revenge against any? Maybe your spouse? Maybe a colleague or boss at work? Maybe a neighbor? Perhaps fellow inmates in the yard who act like they want to do you harm.  Maybe a church member? Confess your sin to God, and look for opportunities to befriend them. Treat them as you want them to treat you, not as they have treated you (Luke 6:27-36). This is true wisdom. This is true Christianity.

Glorious men pass over others’ personal transgressions (Pr 19:11). They are not moved, especially to anger or revenge, by others’ offenses. They are too noble to be disturbed, distracted, or destroyed by such minor and insignificant things. These are believers who have grown in grace to where they are able to overlook an offense, even though the diesire inside is to retaliate,  If you cannot nobly ignore offenses against you, there is only one option for remedy – God’s way (Matt 18:15-17).

Joseph saw his brothers’ wicked actions under God’s sovereignty and did them no harm, though he had them in his power (Gen 45:5; 50:20). Abigail kept David from foolish revenge against Nabal (I Sam 25:23-35), and he let Shimei curse, believing God would hear (II Sam 16:5-14). Learn to commit your soul to your faithful Creator (I Pet 2:23; 4:19).

The best revenge is to leave enemies to God. He is most fair, His judgments most awful. Vengeance is His; He will repay (De 32:25; Lu 18:7-8; Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30). David left Saul to God, though he could have killed him. What was the result? Saul fearfully consulted a witch, killed himself, was beheaded and hung up for display by Philistines, was cremated, had his bones buried under a tree, and his family cut off from the throne!

Moses was wickedly confronted by his sister and Korah. Rather than punishing these arrogant and profane rebels himself, he left the matter to the LORD. Miriam was sharply rebuked by the Lord, became white with leprosy, and was quarantined outside the camp (Num 12:1-15). What of Korah? He was swallowed alive by the earth (Num 16:1-40)!

Only the Holy Spirit can create and sustain a loving and peaceful spirit in a man, so that anger and revenge are only fleeting thoughts of folly. Faith in God is the cure, for He will always take care of His own. Believe it! If you are guilty of vengeful thoughts, confess your wickedness to God, cast yourself upon his mercy begging for strength, pray for your enemies, and seek opportunities to do good to them. This is wisdom and the will of God.

Ask The Lord to make manifest in your life the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  When these virtues explode out of you, you gain inner strength from the Holy Spirit, allowing you to look past another person's meanness toward you.  Do the right thing; give due consideration to praying for them.

Final Thought

When God says that vengeance is His, it means that He will handle it. He will handle ensuring that justice is served to the individual or individuals who are persecuting you. It means that He will repay the individual or individuals for the wrongs that have been done or are being done to you.

In this message we’ve talked about how to deal with the temptation for vengeance when we have been wronged by someone.  We’ve discussed that any form of vengeance is for God and God alone. That there will be times when evil is done to us but that we can look to God to keep us strong in the midst of adversity and persecution. That we can look to God to give us peace in our hearts. That He can even give us the strength and resolve to love our enemies even as they seek to continue to cause us harm. All of these things can be difficult in our humanness, but with God, we can accomplish all things. No one, not even our enemies will escape the eye or the arm of God.

From: Fight the Good Fight of Faith / Life Journal: By Gregg Harris

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