Scripture Reference: – Proverbs 25:25
“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.”
In modern day society, we are used to fast and easy communication. In fact, we are often frustrated when we cannot get immediate answers. Those living in the ancient world often needed to wait hours, days, or even years to hear answers to some questions. Most messages traveled only as fast as a person could move. Solomon (Proverbs 25:1) conducted trade with foreign countries and dispatched ambassadors to them. The relief of hearing good news, after an extended period of waiting and wondering, is compared to how cool water refreshes when one is thirsty.
Missionaries like Paul would have been overjoyed when messengers returned with good news. At one point in his missionary travels, Paul sent Tychicus to Ephesus so they could know how Paul and his companions were "and that he may encourage [the Ephesians'] hearts" (Ephesians 6:21–22). He also planned to send Timothy to Philippi to collect good news about the believers there. Timothy would return to Paul with that good news, and it would encourage Paul (Philippians 2:19–23). In the meantime, he sent Epaphroditus to the Philippians, because Epaphroditus had been longing for them and was distressed because the Philippians had heard he was ill (Philippians 2:25–26, 28).
Are you a good communicator? Do you keep others informed of GOOD things? Are you an information facilitator? Do you consider those who might be out of the loop and miss a good report? Are you a consistent correspondent with those desiring to hear from you? Do you remember those who love you and would rejoice to have a good word from you?
Every time I come across Proverb 25:25, I’m reminded that God has me in the communication business, recognizing what a blessing it is to bring encouraging and refreshing words to the inmates I write. Years ago I learned that a good percentage of prisoners never receive a single letter! We know this because we ask them on the bio form questionnaire that they return to us.
Proverbs 25:25 is a simple analogy and simile. A thirsty person is encouraged, preserved, refreshed, revived, and sustained by a cold drink of water. You should be able to see his happy face and feel his thankful heart. A good report from a distant friend or someone you’ve been waiting to hear from has the same invigorating effect on those who hear it. Good news is a great gift, and it is cheap. Why not communicate more? What a simple way to refresh others!
Most commentators limit this proverb to a New Testament spiritual application. They make the good news the gospel of Christ, and they make the far country heaven. By using well-known verses about the gospel, they make an attractive case for their interpretation. If this verse were in Romans 10, you might agree with them, but it is not.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is very good news, and heaven is a far country, and hearing it preached is refreshing to the soul. But Solomon taught practical lessons of wisdom, as he made clear in the book’s introduction (Pr 1:1-9). There is no reference to the gospel in the proverb before or after this verse (Pr 25:24,26). If you also remember that proverbs are often obscure sayings with a hidden sense, you must look deeper for its lesson (Pr 1:6).
Is there a practical and valuable lesson of wisdom in these words? Yes! Is it an obscure suggestion for the invention of the telephone and email? No! Good news from distant persons or situations is encouraging and profitable, so wise men are good communicators to please and profit those depending on them (Pr 25:13). And with the witty inventions for communicating in the 21st century, there is no excuse not to be a great communicator.
How did hearing from Joseph affect Jacob? He did not care about the food or gold in his sons’ sacks compared to that wonderful news from a far country (Gen 45:27-28). The spirit of Jacob revived, and he purposed to go see his son. Who is waiting to hear from you? Are there any fainting from troubles that would revive with a good word from you?
Most men are too selfish to communicate. Others are too busy, have silent temperaments, or were never trained. Some do not see the purpose or value of it. It is commonly heard, “Out of sight, out of mind.” But wise men do not think that way. Seeking to grow in favor with God and men, they are consistent and thorough communicators. They know that a good thought not expressed is worthless. Why even think it, if you do not tell it?
Who wants to hear from you? Who feels they are in a far country due to lack of news from you? Do superiors know your progress on a project? Do inferiors know what you expect of them and if you are pleased? Do your parents know you are well? Do your children know what you want them to do? When did you last encourage a distant friend in Christ? How about a church member that may be outside the communication loop?
Solomon had already taught in the context that a faithful messenger refreshes his master (Pr 25:13), but here his emphasis is on the message. What good news can you communicate today to lift spirits and profit others? A good report makes the bones fat – it prospers men’s lives (Pr 15:30). Waiting too long can make a person sick (Pr 13:12). You could be a tree of life for others just by communicating right now. Pick someone. Do it.
Lest any reader think the gospel of Christ is not the greatest news ever communicated on earth, consider this glorious text: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” (Isaiah 52:7).
If that description of the value of the gospel did not move you, consider this one: “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (I Tim 3:16). The gospel is the greatest news ever told.
So exceedingly wonderful is this message that the blessed God of heaven once ripped the skies open over Judea with a multitude of angels from the army of heaven to convey the news to lonely shepherds. “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people – Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Read the whole account (Luke 2:8-20). Quench your thirst. Let it rejoice your own heart!
The Refreshing Nature of Good News
This proverb before us really is very simple and straightforward. You’ll notice that there are no difficult or obscure words. You don’t need to get out your favorite commentary to understand it’s meaning.
There are no ambiguous expressions like we find in so many passages, and there is no difficulty in connecting the two parts of this proverb. The illustration Solomon presents us with is one that every living person can relate to. He is making one simple simple analogy here: hearing good news is like a refreshing drink of cold water.
Let’s take a minute or two and break down the two components of Proverbs 25:25
1. "As cold waters to a thirsty soul…"
Everybody has experienced this scene: It’s a hot day and you have been working hard. The sun has been beating on you, and your mouth is parched. Your dying for something cold to drink, but for the moment, there is nothing and you have to wait.
Maybe you’re driving home from work in mid August and the AC isn’t working in your car and your in the middle of a traffic jam. You are dying for a drink, but you know you won’t be able to have one for an hour or so in this traffic.. Your thirst makes the hour seem like five hours. Your mind is on that drink and you can think of nothing else. When you are that thirsty, all you can think of is cool, refreshing, water.
You may have many other desires in life, but at this time you simply want a cold drink.
When you finally crack open that cold drink, it is a bit like paradise. You get that satisfying feeling deep down inside as if it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted. You feel like you could drink a gallon.
That cool water brings a sense of satisfaction to your soul (soul here is used in the sense of life… yourself… to the core of your being…)
Judges 15:18-19 – Samson had just finished a fight with 1000 men.
a) He slew them all, and was exhausted… and thirsty.
b) God provided water that refreshed his soul and “his spirit came again and he revived.”
c) This is the kind of refreshment to which Solomon alludes.
d) It is the kind of refreshment that is like having your spirit come back to you when you were at the point of exhaustion and completely depleted of strength… after you have experienced a physical revival.
II Sam. 23:15 – David also experienced this kind of deep physical thirst: “And David was then in an hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!”
Deep, physical thirst is also used figuratively for the longings of the SOUL...
Psalm 42:1-2 – David LONGED and thirsted after God…. “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?”
Isaiah 55:1 – Isaiah uses this figure to describe the soul’s longing or thirsting after salvation: “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”
But in Proverb 25:25, Solomon uses this figure to illustrate how refreshing GOOD NEWS can be to the SOUL.
2. " is good news from a far country."
This passage is telling us that good news from a far country is in some ways like finally getting that cool, refreshing drink after waiting so long for it! What makes it so refreshing? It was the distance; the long wait; the times of great anxiety in not knowing; the longing for fellowship; the worries about the potential trouble; All of these combine to make GOOD news especially refreshing.
I know what it’s like to get the kind of news we’ve been speaking of. In prison ministry, the best days of the year are the morning after one of my guys has had his parole hearing. I can’t find out the news the same day of the hearing unless I get a call from my friend. With a little bit of nervousness, I look of the site and click on the button that shows the results of the parole board hearing. There are four words I’m looking for, which always causes me to shout out with joy. “Inmate was granted parole.”
Hallelujah, praise God from whom all blessings flow! It’s the good news they’ve been waiting to hear for a loong time. One of my dear friends from Folsom that I’ve been visiting for more than 10 years was found suitable for parole after 38 years in prison. And the even better news is that Michael is paroling right here to the Sacramento area, so I can look forward to many days of rich fellowship.
Good news from a far country probably doesn’t have the significance today that it had in Solomon’s day. In that day, when someone was in a faraway land, it could be months, even years before you heard a word from them. It wasn’t that long ago that when a missionary boarded a boat to go across the ocean, it would take six months for a letter to make it to them… and another six months for the response.
Today we have instant access and communication with those in faraway lands. We can Tweet, Skype, text, or call—all in a matter of seconds. In recent months, because of my daily devotional post on Facebook, I’ve developed a whole bunch of relationships with brothers and sisters all over Africa, India, Pakistan, the Philippines and many other places. It amazes me to think that I can send a simple hello, or one of my devotions to them at the push of a button.
Our souls LONG to hear good news. Imagine getting a letter in the mail from someone you’ve been praying for, for many years, only to read that they have come to faith in Chjrist. Nothing else would matter. All you want is to hear that kind of good report. Nothing else on earth would satisfy your soul more than that kind of news.
I hope you're able to get a real sense of what Solomon is speaking about: Our soul LONGS for good news.
When the good news does come ("Your son is safe!") then it is like a cool, refreshing drink to your soul. It satisfies; revives the soul; the spirit comes again! You can breathe again!
Solomon wrote in Proverbs 15:30 – “a good report maketh the bones fat.” The “light of the eyes” speaks of the eyes as a window into the soul. The eyes can communicate. They can sparkle; they can twinkle; they can beam; or they can be dull and look very sad. The light of the eyes is a twinkle in the eye – an indication of a happy heart.
So too, a good report makes the bones fat – this too speaks of an inward twinkle… inward spiritual and psychological health. Fat bones are moist, strong, healthy, and full of healthy marrow. They are the opposite of dried out bones. (Prov. 17:22 – a broken spirit drieth the bones)
Envy is the rottenness of the bones, but good news encourages… and makes the bones fat… (Prov.14:30)
A good report encourages and is like bringing light back to the eyes… it is like fat, healthy bones—which speak of an inner man that is sound, spiritually healthy, encouraged, and strong… revived!
Proverbs 13:12 says – “Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life!” Hope defined: Always translated “hope”… from a word that means “to wait for; hope for; expectation of a positive future prospect.”
When a loved one is far away, there is much hope for good; much waiting for news; much anticipation… When a loved one is far away, that hope cannot be confirmed easily. It takes news… good news to confirm it.
You may be hoping for good news. I know countless inmates who are. But when it does not come… and you are forced to wait… and the news is deferred, it makes the heart sick… for you LONG to know more. I believe that one of the hardest things we are called to do as children of God is learning to wait on Him.
But when the desire of the heart comes (when what you were hoping for comes to fruition)… it is a tree of life…
f) When good news finally arrives at your door, the anxiety is over… the worries and fears are laid to rest. The sick heart is replaced with a spiritually healthy and joyous heart… and fat bones too!
A Few Examples To Remember
Consider how refreshed was Jacob when his sons brought back the news from far away Egypt – after so many long years, that Joseph was alive! (Gen. 45:25-28)
The sinner can be refreshed with the good news of heaven… the good news of the gospel of God’s grace! “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:15)
What RELIEF we can bring to the thirsty soul who has found no satisfaction in this world when we bring the gospel message to them! In John 4, Jesus likened salvation (the effect of the good news) to a drink of “living water” that refreshed the soul of the sin weary woman.
The saints too can be refreshed with good news from faraway heaven too—every time we read the Bible! We are citizens of heaven! We CAN walk in newness of life; We are overcomers in Christ; Christ lives in us. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings. We CAN be used as instruments of the Lord to bring good news to others!
From: Fight the Good Fight of Faith & Life Journal: By Gregg Harris