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In the mid 2000’s, I felt compelled to begin my work in prison ministry after one of my dearest friends was unjustly convicted of a white-collar securities violation. It didn’t take long before I began to get an understanding of prison life, and the trauma that many men and women have to endure. I started my work with Federal prisons in Texas until 2008, where we moved back to where I’m from in Northern CA.


Early on I was invited by another close friend to serve as a volunteer inside historic Folsom Prison. This friend later became the Co-Director of our ministry. For the next three years, I was at Folsom prison 3-4 days a week, serving as an assistant to the Chaplain. During this time, I had an opportunity to get to know up close and personal several hundred prisoners.


It was during my time at Folsom Prison that I developed my philosophy of prison ministry which is what we follow today. I realized that these men hungered for a deep connection with someone who would take a personal interest in them, and who would help them grow in grace and a knowledge of God’s Word.


This connection with men grew thru the ongoing process of writing personal letters, accepting their phone calls and by continual personal one-on-one visits. It didn’t take long before we were receiving hundreds of letters each month.


This led to the development of our Christian Discipleship Ministry which I started at Folsom and in the summer of 2016 launched at Mule Creek State Prison, as many of my friends had been transferred to that facility. By Christmas of that year, we had 60 men participating. The Lord has had his hand upon our work in a mighty way, and hard to believe but as of 2022, In Perfect Peace Ministries is reaching out, and coming alongside more than 6,600 men and women in all 50 states. Currently, we receive well over 1,000 letters every month from inmates all over the country who have found out about our Christian Discipleship pen-pal outreach and are desirous to participate.


Our goals are quite simple. We want to bring the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into prisons and jails all over our country that are filled with darkness and a lack of Peace. I chose Isaiah 26:3 as our ministry verse which says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.” The men and women who write us represent just what we expected. Many have been exposed to the Gospel, but do not have a personal, vibrant relationship with Christ Jesus; one that comes thru repentance and faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. Others are new Christians that want to learn and grow; people who need someone to come alongside them and help disciple them in the faith.


This process grows and deepens thru back-and-forth personal letters. There are no form letters in our ministry. Correspondence for me with an inmate includes a personal letter, along with several devotional essays on some aspect of the Christian faith or doctrine. Inmates have a forum where they can write and ask questions about any aspect of the Christian faith.


This philosophy of developing a personal relationship with inmates has served us well, which we see every day by what prisoners say in their letters. Simply put, I’m blessed that God has given us a love and compassion for incarcerated men and women. Our greatest need is for volunteers from our churches to come forward who are willing to serve as a friend and personal mentor to an inmate. Sadly, one thing has always been true in prison ministry, – “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” While we are one of the fastest growing prison ministries, we are tiny in size; myself, Gregg Harris as the Director, Joseph Walling, as our east coast director, and Jeffrey Wheldon, who serves as our west coast director.


I am so blessed to have men like Joe and Jeff on board. From day one, they have displayed a love and passion for this work and have developed deep connections with those that they are writing. We are earnestly praying that with the development of our website, the Lord may impress many committed Christians to join us in this noble work. This platform allows family members who have an incarcerated friend or loved one to reach out to us, knowing that we will gladly step in, providing ongoing friendship and spiritual encouragement.


Prayer has always been the backbone of our ministry. We stand as faithful prayer warriors for all those who have become a part of our outreach.  We greatly covet the prayers of God’s people all over our country to stand with us in prayer for those men and women who are enduring the rigors of prison life.


Thank you for taking time to read this introduction to our ministry. Do not hesitate to contact us if we may in any way be of service to you or an incarcerated loved one.


Knowing That Our Labor Is Not in Vain…

Gregg J. Harris, Director of  In Perfect Peace Ministries.

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Gregg Harris

(IPPM Founder / Director)

In Perfect Peace Ministries:
Christian Pen Pals Mentoring Prisoners

Meet The Team

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Gregg Harris


Gregg and his wife served in the ministry for many years, beginning in 1972. served   His primary responsibility was the teaching of seminars on evangelism and discipleship.  He and his wife Cynthia also served during those years as missionaries to parts of communist China, India, The Philippines, Scotland, and in a dozen or more cities throughout the U.S.  Gregg attended Landmark Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth and took his degree is theology and Christian Counseling.  Gregg started working with Federal prisoners back in Texas in the mid 2000’s.  After moving back to Calif. In 2008, he began working with inmates in the CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.  Gregg and Cynthia have seven children and sixteen grandchildren

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Beryl Clemens Smith


Due to recent health problems, Beryl has "throttled back" from full time IPPM service - but he remains our elder statesmen and our most stalwart prayer supporter.  Beryl started and pastored several churches - and was a highly regarded professor at Bob Jones University, where he taught bible and poetry.  He still preaches somewhat regularly as he is asked to fill different pulpits.  Beryl is an accomplished poet and taught poetry at the University.  He has authored two amazing books of poetry,  called “Embers” and "Embers II"

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Perry Coghlan


Perry Coghlan and Gregg have been friends for over 30 years. Both were members of a PCA church in Ft. Worth, where Perry served as a deacon for many years. 


Perry is the husband to Patsy for over 50 years, the father to six children, grandfather to 30, and great grandfather to 9. Perry and Patsy founded two Christian schools in Tennessee.  He is presently serving as head-master for one of those schools.


A steadfast supporter of In Perfect Peace Ministries for years, Perry has been mentoring, pastoring, writing, and visiting inmates for many years.

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Jeff Thomas


We're proud to announce our latest board member, Jeff Thomas.   Jeff is a valued program analyst for the state of California, analyzing and researching  everything related to the COVID Pandemic. He provides daily reports on all things COVID to the necessary state agencies. Prior to this, Jeff had a background in investment banking and insurance.


Jeff has always had a heart for the incarcerated.  He has years of practical experience in the San Francisco Bay Area jails, leading Bible studies, and providing valuable counsel.


For the past ten years, Jeff has worked inside of CA state prisons (most recently CSP Sacramento and  Folsom State Prison where he served as an assistant to the prison Chaplain from 2014-2017.)  Jeff served as the Co-Director for In Perfect Peace Ministries during that time.  He has demonstrated a passion for prison ministry that has produced great fruit in his work with inmates.  

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Victoria Burch


Joe Walling


Jeff Wheldon


Marie Andrews


In Perfect Peace Ministries is blessed to announce the newest member to our Board of Directors, Chaplain Victoria Burch.  Gregg has known Victoria, and her husband Anthony, for 50 years. We served in ministry together during the 1970's and 1980's, evangelizing and discipling new believers. Victoria has demonstrated great skill in business in the years following, as she became a highly successful Real Estate Broker, Commercial Real Estate Developer, and is a certified Right-of-Way Buyer for the Departments of Transportation of Indiana and Colorado and worked to secure land for the Department of Transportation in Michigan Customs Plaza for the International Bridge between Detroit and Canada.


She and Anthony have been greatly blessed in raising ten children in the fear and nurture of the Lord. Victoria earned her Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado. With a calling and deep desire to continue serving the Lord in her senior years, she has become a Licensed Chaplain and is currently working with local first responders, and crime victims.  We could not be more blessed to have someone with her professional business acumen, but spiritual insight, experience and wisdom as well

Gregg  ministered to Joe during his incarceration - and upon his parole, Joe accepted the challenge of heading up IPPM's Eastern U.S. ministry.   Joe has been energetic and sacrificial in sharing Christ's love with hurting prisoners.  His love and experience have proven to be a major blessing to the inmates and to this IPPM team.

   Joe is a gifted artist. His creations are imaginative, smart, and a delight to both eyes and soul!  

Gregg Harris modeled Christ's love and grace to Jeff during Jeff's prison years.  Christ's Love transforms lives. Gregg's heart of compassion and determination inspired Jeff to emulate his example. Gregg mentored Jeff from the Word of God bringing hope and transformation. Psalm 107:20  On parole day, Gregg met Jeff at the gate with support, friendship, and love.  When asked to join the IPPM mission, confident in Jesus' help, Jeff accepted the challenge and has been faithfully serving ever since

Marie's arrival is God's answer to our prayers for help.  This "young lady" is an energetic DYNAMO!  She is a smart,  extraordinary, gifted leader who joined IPPM with intentions to facilitate rapid growth in our "ranks".   Her creativity, determination, and loving exhortation have proven effective - IPPM's ranks are multiplying!  On 4/7/22 several ladies said YES to joining the IPPM effort - and they formed a support group which they called LIFEPOINTERS.  Marie's ONE quickly became TEN!  Who knows what God will do next?!  God MOVES when He sees faith, courage - and heart!         2 Chronicles 16:9

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